Fermented Favorite

OK, aside from beer, it’s the OTHER fermented food that’s a favorite in our beloved German-ish town, especially during the summer - sauerkraut!

You may already be aware that fermented foods contain probiotics, the good bacteria that make up part of your gut microbiome. More research is going into unraveling the mysteries of individual's unique microbiome, and why it can have wide ranging impacts on your health, from energy, immunity, digestion, sleep, and more. So it is important to support your gut flora with quality fermented foods.

Sauerkraut is fermented with Lactobacillus, a beneficial bacteria that can help digest food, absorb nutrients, and ward off bad bacteria that can cause diseases. Being made from cabbage, it has many benefits of cruciferous vegetables, including gut-friendly fiber (~3g/cup). Because the fermentation process breaks down some compounds for us and introduces enzymes, it is easier to digest than raw cabbage. There has been some evidence that sauerkraut may reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, like cramps, bloating and gas. 

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You may be surprised to know that Kraut is a good source of vitamin C, which gives it immune-boosting cred. One cup has about 25% of your recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin C.

One cup of kraut also has about 20% of your RDI of vitamin K, notable for bone and heart health. Like many cruciferous veggies, it has Vitamin A, (essential for vision, growth and development) and folate. Not only for pregnant moms, folate is important for lowering the risk of heart disease, and could help prevent age-related hearing loss. Keeping folate levels up should help reduce risk for certain types of cancers, like prostate, breast, and colorectal.

Cancer fighting compounds can be found in sauerkraut. Phytonutrients like sulphurophane, act as an antioxidant, and gives cruciferous veggies that tell-tale smell. 

Processing Matters. Be aware that not all sauerkraut is created equal. Kraut that is shelf-stable or which has vinegar added will not have the same probiotic, enzyme or phytonutrient power because of the high heat process of pasteurization. Even if eating the quality refrigerated kraut, watch the sodium content. It is possible to get too much of a good thing, and overeating it can lead to digestive discomfort.

We carry refrigerated, traditionally fermented, small batch sauerkrauts made right here in Michigan! So you are supporting your own health while supporting our communities. With a tangy sharpness, it adds zip to any meal.

Give it a try for $2 off with coupon code: KRAUT

Expires 6/14/21

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