Holy Basil, Batman! What’s this Plant?

Wellness Wednesday

Holy Basil, Batman! What’s this Plant?

By Suzan Moody, CNHP

Batman: “Robin, this is a Riddler we all need to solve. To be brief, Basil, aka Tulsi, can help fight all kinds of health villains.” Here’s some of the Most Wanted…


Stress:  Holy Basil is a superhero of stress relief. It’s got adaptogen powers that can swoop in and help the body lower those pesky cortisol levels.  Sip some warm herbal calm from Alfred’s next cup of tea.

Insomnia:  Holy Basil is like having Commissioner Gordon ring you up on the Bat-phone to ask you to battle one of those anxiety-fueled restless nights. Answer the call and let it quiet the mind so you can hang up and silently fly off into dreamland.

Shortness of Breath:  Holy Basil has been the lungs go-to sidekick since the Dark Ages. If you are gasping for air from a hot pursuit in Gotham City, fear not. You can breathe easier. Its expectorant powers can clear those cobwebs from your airways faster than the Batmobile can race through traffic.

Brain Fog:  Holy Basil is like having a memory enhancing utility belt. It can clear out that Gotham City smog and fog ensuring your mental clarity shines as bright as the Bat-signal.

Bad Bugs:  Holy Basil packs some serious nutritional firepower. Power-up on vitamins A and C, plus a whole arsenal of minerals. It’s like a shield against those nasty lurking bacteria and virus bugs.

Heavy Metals:  Holy Basil ranks a black belt at helping your body detoxify naturally. It’s a natural cleaner for all those industrial Gotham City chemicals and pollutants.

Loaded Bloated Stomach:  Holy Basil is a gas belly buster. That pit in your stomach? Gone. It’s like a soothing balm for your gut. It helps your stomach’s mucus secretion lining so it can aid in the defeat of ulcers. Plus, its antispasmodic powers help do away with cramps and indigestion.

Heart Ache:  Holy Basil is the ultimate wing man for your ticker. When it comes to matters of the heart, it’s as smooth as the Bat-glider for lowering cholesterol, balancing blood pressure and ensuring circulation. Even the Gotham City Chronicle reports its ability to reduce the risk of heart disease and prevent blood clots.

Basil, aka Tulsi, is an herb for all reasons and seasons. It’s like the Swiss Army knife of herbs, ready to help you with any challenge.  It’s got a pleasing scent of vanilla, citrus and licorice. A marvel to protect organs and patch up wounds. Holy basil is the herbal version of the Justice League. It’s antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory AND a pain killer. For the cost of a box of tea, you don’t have to be a Bruce Wayne to afford it. Talk about a multi-tasking Caped Crusader.

When the going gets tough, come out victorious with Holy Basil. With all its plethora of benefits, it’s like having a personal wellness bodyguard. So, sip it as a soothing tea or pop it as a powerful supplement, it’s got you. Health and hugs.

Suzan Moody is a Certified Natural Health Practitioner at Healthy Habitz in Frankenmuth, Michigan, and specializes in Women’s Detox and Health. And is a Batman and Robin fan.

The statements in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Please consult with your medical care provider prior to changing your dietary supplements.




